From “Worth Fighting For: Finding Courage and Compassion When Cruelty Is Trending” by John Pavlovitz
The forces of injustice are counting on sick people growing too tired from pushing back, too overwhelmed fighting their inner demons, and too hopeless at the story to go on.
We can’t allow that.
We need to keep our eyes and ears open to the pain of others right now; to hear the suffering in their words or that buried in their silence – and to move toward it.
We need to linger long enough to see them: to notice their withdrawal and absence, and to make sure they’re OK.
We need to use the resources currently available of therapists, doctors, and counselors who understand these invisible sicknesses and how very real they are.
We need to gather in community to bolster and encourage one another, and to remind people that they aren’t alone in the wars they wage to get better.
We need to reach out to people in our own despair, in our sadness, in our own fight to stay here.
And we all need to carry one another and care for one another.
We are not well, America.
Our leaders are really not well.
We are fighting for our health and for our lives.
We need to get well together.