The Truth of History

From “US: The Resurrection of American Terror” by Rev. Kenneth W. Wheeler

Similarly, the objection of conservative whites in general and Trumpian Republicans in particular to the teaching of Critical Race Theory has become a rallying cry for the Republican base. These folks object to the truth of history, the completeness of history, being taught to children – specifically to white children. The completeness of history is what we should all want taught in our schools so that our children are not left ignorant. The historical narrative of America is huge, it is layered and it is nuanced and complex, and when it is whitewashed it is inauthentic.

Those voices that are the loudest in their objection to the fullness of history being taught are white people who are afraid of the truth. Truth doesn’t imprison anybody. Truth frees us to look at who we are, warts and all, so that we can be better as a nation and as a people.

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