From “Worth Fighting For: Finding Courage and Compassion When Cruelty Is Trending” by John Pavlovitz
God isn’t going to ensure that our schools are safe for LGBTQ children.
Love isn’t going to make assault weapons less available on our streets.
Jesus isn’t going to secure our elections to prevent dictator wannabes from taking power.
Love isn’t going to legislate protections for the planet and the poor and the marginalized. God isn’t going to dismantle the systemic racism still afflicting our nation.
Jesus isn’t coming to shut down social media disinformation and make our neighbors wiser to Fox News fakery.
Love isn’t going to push back against anti-immigrant bigotry.
You and I are, whether in our stomachs that will not let us rest.
Human beings fighting like hell together for the common good will do all of those things. This is why I’m here and why I hope you’re here.
Today, instead of looking to the sky and waiting for a pastor or a politician or some invisible force to come in and dramatically beat back the darkness – you wield the brilliant light in your possession. Maybe you’re the hero you’ve been waiting for. Maybe you’re the answer to your urgent prayers. Maybe hope isn’t in the sky, maybe it’s in the mirror. Yeah, the less-than-ideal news is that pretty soon you’ll be gone. The beautiful news is that you’re here now. The bell’s been rung and the ring is yours. Fight well.