From “Everything Good about God is True: Choosing Faith” by Bruce Reyes-Chow
Isn’t that kind of arrogant? You may say. How dare you claim that what you believe is better than anyone else? Isn’t that what you accuse them of doing?
All are appropriate questions. But the reality is we all believe there are better – and therefore worse – ways to do things. Parenting, cooking, sports, and yes, faith: we all believe that some ways of doing these things are better than others. I do not claim that I offer the One True Faith or the Only Way. But I firmly believe there is a more complex, nuanced, loving, and just version of the gospel that is bubbling just beneath the surface of our social consciousness, ready for widespread renewal and rediscovery. These pages contain almost everything I believe about God, complete with all the joyful wandering, misdirected confidence, and revelatory doubt that brings life to my faith.
The Christian story that I present in this book, and the one I believe Jesus embodies and Scripture contains, invites – nay, requires – a struggle with belief. This gospel also challenges us to live out those beliefs in the world as if we actually believed them to be true. There is a better way, one that leads with love, empathy, and kindness, and one that leads to liberation, healing, and new life.